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NW Calgary Root Canal Therapy

Your Choice for Root Canal Therapy NW Calgary!

Root Canal Therapy | Point McKay Dental | General & Family Dentist | NW Calgary

If you think you may require a root canal, Point McKay Dental is here to help! Root Canal Therapy is performed in order to save your natural teeth from extraction, and prevent the need for future intervention later on. Point McKay Dental is pleased to offer safe and effective root canal therapy so you can achieve optimal oral health.

Root Canal Therapy | Point McKay Dental | General & Family Dentist | NW Calgary
Root Canal Process | Point McKay Dental | General & Family Dentist | NW Calgary

What is Root Canal Therapy?

Root Canal Process | Point McKay Dental | General & Family Dentist | NW Calgary

Root canal treatment is used to save teeth from extraction by removing the nerve inside the tooth (known as the pulp) when it is diseased or dying. Unfortunately, teeth are not able to heal on their own when there is disease or trauma caused to the nerve. Root canal therapy is a crucial dental treatment used to save teeth that are diseased, infected, fractured, or have become non-vital over time, reducing the need for extraction. If left untreated, an infected, decayed or damaged tooth can cause severe pain and discomfort, an abscess, or potentially the loss of the tooth.

Busting Common Root Canal Myths

Root Canal Myths | Point McKay Dental | General & Family Dentist | NW Calgary

The most common myth we hear about Root Canal Therapy is that it is very painful. The truth is that Root Canal Therapy is used to relieve the pain and discomfort associated with teeth that are diseased and infected. The Point McKay Dental team pays close attention to your comfort throughout your appointment. Patients that experience anxiety towards root canal therapy often tell us they did not feel any pain during their treatment, only pain relief afterwards!

Root Canal Myths | Point McKay Dental | General & Family Dentist | NW Calgary
Root Canal Symptoms | Point McKay Dental | General & Family Dentist | NW Calgary

Signs of an Infected Tooth that May require a Root Canal

Root Canal Symptoms | Point McKay Dental | General & Family Dentist | NW Calgary

Signs of an infected tooth are not always identified right away. As the infection begins to progress, you may notice one [or more] of the following signs:

  • Pressure in the area of the infected tooth that causes a sharp pain when biting
  • The tooth becomes reactive to hot or cold food and beverages and the pain lingers long after the source is removed.
  • The tooth begins to slowly darken, indicating the nerve is damaged or dying.
  • Pain and tenderness in your gums becomes more frequent and severe
  • Tooth pain wakes you up in the middle of the night and affects the quality of your sleep.
  • Spontaneous, throbbing tooth pain is not relieved using over-the-counter pain medications.

Saving your natural teeth is always the first option we consider at Point McKay Dental. There are times however, when root canal therapy is not the best solution for your needs and an extraction is the best course of action. When your tooth cannot be saved with root canal therapy, the need for a tooth extraction to relieve your pain becomes necessary. We will plan your treatment to replace the missing tooth with a dental implant, dental bridge, or partial denture to restore the function of your teeth, and to prevent the neighboring teeth from shifting.

Preventing the Need for Root Canal

Prevent Root Canal | Point McKay Dental | General & Family Dentist | NW Calgary

Preventing root canal therapy can be as easy as following correct oral hygiene practices, choosing a healthy diet, and wearing a sport mouthguard to help prevent injury to the teeth. Regular dental visits help us to diagnose and identify underlying issues before they progress, which also reduces your risk of infection and ultimately root canal therapy.

Prevent Root Canal | Point McKay Dental | General & Family Dentist | NW Calgary

If restoring your natural teeth for a lifetime of use is important to you, Point McKay Dental is pleased to offer Root Canal Therapy to help you achieve your goal for optimum dental health. If you are experiencing any tooth pain and think you may benefit from root canal therapy, or you have any questions or concerns about the root canal therapy procedure, contact one of our dedicated team members at (403) 289-7829 and we will be happy to help.

We look forward to hearing from you soon!

Call Point Mckay Dental at (403) 289-7829 to
set up a Root Canal Therapy Appointment today!


Clinic Entrance | Point McKay Dental | General & Family Dentist | NW Calgary
Waiting Area | Point McKay Dental | General & Family Dentist | NW Calgary
Reception Area | Point McKay Dental | General & Family Dentist | NW Calgary
Operatory Suite | Point McKay Dental | General & Family Dentist | NW Calgary

Providing general and family dental services to the NW Calgary neighborhoods of Capitol Hill, Banff Trail, University of Calgary, Briar Hill, Hounsfield Heights, West Hillhurst, Collingwood, Charleswood, Triwood, Rosedale, Mount Pleasant, Cambrian Heights, Confederation Park
& Surrounding Areas.