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NW Calgary TMJ Disorders

Your Choice for NW Calgary TMJ Disorders!

TMJ Therapy | Point McKay Dental | General & Family Dentist | NW Calgary

If you suffer from frequent headaches, have trouble opening or closing your mouth when eating and speaking, have noticed that your jaw clicks or pops, and/or experience radiating pain in your jaw, you may be suffering from a TMJ disorder. Point McKay Dental is here to help! At Point McKay Dental Care, we understand that the constant pain and discomfort of a TMJ disorder can negatively affect your life. That is why we are pleased to provide effective treatment to help ease the symptoms associated with this condition and help you attain better overall health and wellness.

TMJ Therapy | Point McKay Dental | General & Family Dentist | NW Calgary
TMJ Therapy | Point McKay Dental | General & Family Dentist | NW Calgary

What is TMJ?

TMJ Therapy | Point McKay Dental | General & Family Dentist | NW Calgary

The temporomandibular joint, or TMJ, is the joint that connects the lower jaw to the skull on both sides of the head, allowing the mouth to open and close, as well as the jaw to move from side to side. For many people, problems arise with the TMJ, which can cause extreme pain and discomfort. If you have symptoms such as pain in your jaw or a “clicking” sound when eating or opening and closing your mouth, it is often because the jaw joint and the muscles necessary for chewing are not working correctly.

What Causes TMJ Disorders?

TMJ Therapy | Point McKay Dental | General & Family Dentist | NW Calgary

There are many causes of TMJ disorders. Clenching and grinding of the teeth are the most common cause of TMJ disorders, and are often the result of a misaligned bite. Damage to the jaw joint after injury and disease such as arthritis may damage the joint or tear the muscles and ligaments. The disk inside the joint which acts as a “cushion” may slip out of position for any number of reasons as well.

Symptoms of a TMJ Disorder
  • Grinding or clenching your teeth
  • Stiff muscles around your jaw
  • Frequent headaches and/or pains in your neck
  • A clicking or popping sound when you open your mouth
  • It is hard or painful to open your mouth wide when you eat or yawn
  • You have suffered an injury to your neck, head, or jaws
  • You have arthritis in other joints
  • You have noticed your teeth no longer touch when you bite
TMJ Therapy | Point McKay Dental | General & Family Dentist | NW Calgary
Snore Guards | Point McKay Dental | General & Family Dentist | NW Calgary

Treatment for TMJ Disorders

Snore Guards | Point McKay Dental | General & Family Dentist | NW Calgary

There are many treatment options available at Point McKay Dental to treat TMJ Disorders. Our team will complete a detailed evaluation and diagnosis to determine if you suffer from a TMJ disorder and determine the very best course of treatment for your situation. Our goal is to relieve joint pain and muscle spasms and improve your TMJ symptoms.

Night guards are often recommended to help stop clenching and/or grinding of the teeth, which reduces muscle tension while protecting the cartilage inside the joint and the enamel surface of the teeth. Night guards position your jaw forward to relieve pressure on the jaw, which ultimately helps to relieve pain and discomfort. Night guards may be worn initially over 8 hours each day to help your jaw heal, transitioning to only while sleeping.

Point McKay Dental is here to help you with your TMJ Disorder, so you can minimize your symptoms and improve your overall health. If you are experiencing jaw pain, coupled with any other symptoms of a TMJ disorder, please contact one of our dedicated team members at (403) 289-7829 and we will be happy to help.

We look forward to hearing from you soon!

Call Point Mckay Dental at (403) 289-7829 to
set up a TMJ Disorders Appointment today!


Clinic Entrance | Point McKay Dental | General & Family Dentist | NW Calgary
Waiting Area | Point McKay Dental | General & Family Dentist | NW Calgary
Reception Area | Point McKay Dental | General & Family Dentist | NW Calgary
Operatory Suite | Point McKay Dental | General & Family Dentist | NW Calgary

Providing general and family dental services to the NW Calgary neighborhoods of Capitol Hill, Banff Trail, University of Calgary, Briar Hill, Hounsfield Heights, West Hillhurst, Collingwood, Charleswood, Triwood, Rosedale, Mount Pleasant, Cambrian Heights, Confederation Park
& Surrounding Areas.