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NW Calgary Wisdom Teeth Extraction

Your Choice for NW Calgary Wisdom Teeth Extraction!

Wisdom Teeth Extractions | Point McKay Dental | General & Family Dentist | NW Calgary

While adult teeth are meant to last a lifetime, there are situations where removal is the best treatment option. If you are experiencing any issues or pain with your wisdom teeth, Point McKay Dental Care is pleased to offer safe and effective wisdom teeth removal, with a commitment to ensuring that you are as comfortable as possible throughout the procedure.

Wisdom Teeth Extractions | Point McKay Dental | General & Family Dentist | NW Calgary
Wisdom Teeth Extractions | Point McKay Dental | General & Family Dentist | NW Calgary

What are Wisdom Teeth and Why Might They Need to be Removed?

Wisdom Teeth Extractions | Point McKay Dental | General & Family Dentist | NW Calgary

Located in the very back part of the mouth, wisdom teeth are the last set of molars to develop. Most people develop their wisdom teeth during their teenage years, although some people never get them. For many people, wisdom teeth grow correctly and cause no problems at all. For others, however, problems arise and intervention is necessary to avoid further complications. Sometimes, there is not enough room in the mouth to accommodate the wisdom teeth. When the wisdom teeth are left to emerge into the mouth, the lack of space may cause them to only partially emerge through the gums, leading to a higher chance of cavities developing and gum infections becoming a regular problem. Wisdom teeth may grow in crooked or incorrectly, thus causing significant problems. This uneven growth can be responsible for many oral health problems such as crowding or damage to the adjacent second molars. An additional problem with wisdom teeth is that they sometimes do not fully erupt through the gums. This is what is known as ‘Impacted Wisdom Teeth.

What are Impacted Wisdom Teeth?

Wisdom Teeth Extractions | Point McKay Dental | General & Family Dentist | NW Calgary

A tooth is said to become impacted when there is a lack of space in the dental arch for the tooth to emerge and its growth is affected by gum, bone, or another tooth. There are different kinds of impaction. ‘Mesioangular’ impaction occurs when the tooth grows forward towards the front of the mouth. ‘Vertical’ impaction is when the formed wisdom tooth does not fully erupt through the gum. ‘Horizontal’ impaction, which is not as common as the other two forms of impaction, occurs when the tooth is angled sideways, growing into the roots of the second molar. When your wisdom teeth only partially emerge, the opening around the teeth can become a fertile ground for harmful bacteria to start growing. This can lead eventually to an infection, which will often cause you to experience discomfort, swelling, pain, and overall illness. Early removal of wisdom teeth is often recommended to avoid future problems and to avoid costly procedures down the road.

Wisdom Teeth Extractions | Point McKay Dental | General & Family Dentist | NW Calgary
Wisdom Teeth Extractions | Point McKay Dental | General & Family Dentist | NW Calgary

Wisdom Teeth Extraction in NW Calgary, AB

Wisdom Teeth Extractions | Point McKay Dental | General & Family Dentist | NW Calgary

Impacted wisdom teeth are usually removed because of the problems they are causing or because of the problems that may arise if they remain in the mouth. In many cases, damage caused by wisdom teeth is not visible on the surface. Your Point McKay Dentist Calgary will usually take full X-rays of the mouth to see what is going on underneath the gum. This will help to determine what type of extraction may be required. With dental exams and x-rays of the mouth, your dentist can determine the position of the wisdom teeth and anticipate if future problems may arise. Regular exams and treatment will also help you keep your gums and teeth strong and healthy, which will prevent costly dental procedures down the road. When wisdom teeth are aligned properly and gum tissue is healthy, wisdom teeth do not have to be removed. With a clinical exam and panoramic imaging, we can inform you if your or your child’s wisdom teeth require extraction.

It is always best to be proactive when it comes to your oral health! If you are experiencing any pain, discomfort or swelling, or you have any questions about your wisdom teeth or the wisdom teeth removal procedure, we welcome you to book an appointment for a consultation today by calling us at (403) 289-7829. We can also discuss your wisdom teeth options with you at your next hygiene and check-up appointment, just ask! We look forward to hearing from you soon.

We look forward to hearing from you soon!

Call Point Mckay Dental at (403) 289-7829 to
set up a Wisdom Teeth Extraction Appointment today!


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Operatory Suite | Point McKay Dental | General & Family Dentist | NW Calgary

Providing general and family dental services to the NW Calgary neighborhoods of Capitol Hill, Banff Trail, University of Calgary, Briar Hill, Hounsfield Heights, West Hillhurst, Collingwood, Charleswood, Triwood, Rosedale, Mount Pleasant, Cambrian Heights, Confederation Park
& Surrounding Areas.